New Service Provides Status Updates of Emergency Response

When you are dealing with an emergency, every minute can feel like a lifetime. You are constantly on the lookout for first responders and asking, “When will help arrive?”.  Would you be more at ease if you could get a status update? Now you can!

Warren County, Ohio has recently launched a text messaging service to update callers with the status of their emergency and a phone number to call for follow-up and other information. When you are involved in an emergency, you may not be thinking clearly and may provide inaccurate information. This new service can provide a way for you to update dispatch with better details. Sometimes you just need reassurance that help is on the way. The new service will update the caller with the status.

Cincinnati is the first center with this technology. Warren County staff heard about the text messaging software that was developed by PowerDM. Afterward, the county looked into the software and had a demonstration. They implemented the first phase of the project on March 7th which allowed callers to receive updates about their incident while it was active. The caller received a text message to confirm their location and let them know first responders were en route.  They would then receive a three-digit reference number they could call if they had additional information. The service is only available to those using a mobile device, it cannot be used for calls from landlines.

The next phase of the project will begin in April. This phase will launch a satisfaction and feedback survey. The caller will answer a few questions through text message. Feedback is critical to being able to improve the morale and quality of service.

The new service is part of a three-year pilot program. To find out more about the program, click on the following link:

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